Growth in Christ happens best together!

Impact Community Groups meet together (often in homes but can happen anywhere), have some food, share life (relational) and impact the community by meeting needs together (missional).

Meeting Needs

Impact Communities work together to help meet needs within the Skagit Valley community and beyond


Building, Deploying, and Multiplying Disciples through Impact Communities through the 3 Essentials of Discipleship

Interested in Leading?

Do you feel called to build into others?
We are looking for committed individuals to lead and develop Impact Community Groups.

3 essentials of discipleship

Truths & Promises

Share with your group the truths and promises you have received from His Word;

Adjustments & Assignments

Be transparent with the adjustments and assignments the Holy Spirit leads you in.

Support & Encouragement

Offer support and encourage to those in your Impact Community regularly.