
CTK Partners in Ministry

What is church partnership?

The Bible says, “…for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now” Philippians 1:5

We all have the same things to invest in the church as the Holy Spirit leads each of us:

Time – Talents – Treasures – Testimony

CTK Skagit Partners in Ministry have made three decisions:
1. You have entrusted your life to Jesus Christ (salvation).
2. You agree with the CTK Skagit Statement of Beliefs.
3. You consider CTK Skagit to be your family of faith.

How is partnership different than membership?

When we think of memberships we might think of a gym, a country club, or Costco. These are providers of goods or services to consumers. The church of Jesus Christ is different. Rather than being a place for consumers to get goods and services, a church family is a faith community that worships, prays, and serves together in the mission of Christ.
CTK Partnership Agreement

Our Partnership with Christ and with one-another as CTK Skagit Church will be lived out together through:

Worshipping Together:  We will regularly gather together for time in worship and the Word.

Serving Together:  Meeting needs or healing hurts together to be living proof of a loving God to a watching world.

Providing Together: Giving our tithes and offerings to the Lord, through CTK Skagit (amounts are always decided personally, in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading).